We are finally here in Kabul after 22 hrs of flying and a night stay in Dubai. Can u say JET LAG. The time difference here is 8 1/2 hours ahead of home.
We flew from Boston-London-Dubai-Kabul. On The flight to London I met a Muslim girl about my age and we spoke about her worldviews, christianity and Islam. I watched her dedication as she did her cleansing and prayer rituals at all the right times.
Dubai was such an intersting clash of cultures,such a broad spectrum of modern to traditional, and all seemed to center around money. For pretty cheap american money we stayed in a beautiful hotel there. The temperature in Dubai was HOT!!!! My jaw dropped open as we left the airport and went into the outdoors. I have never experienced heat like that ever before-muggy and hot!! In Dubai's airport-where people do not believe in lines and you must pay for going over in baggage weight before you can get your boarding pass, Josh & I made some friends going to Kabul who invited us to tea and coffee while we waited for our plane to board.
Kabul's airport consists of one small building. The luggage conveyor belt was broken so bags were brought in by hand and mounds of people swarmed to get their luggage. I sat back giggling guarding our few bags while Josh jumped in to get the rest.
We are currently staying with Dan Terry (Anneli & Sarai & Hilja's dad). Took my first bucket shower this am. Plums and cherries are delicious, and the place is very nice. We will leave for Taloqan in a few days with Gary. We are trying to learn a little Dari,touring the city, eating lots of nan, and trying to absorb it all while keeping our eyelids held open.
Kabul is very much war torn, but very beautiful all the same.
We have been taking many pictures but are unable to load them at this time. We will try to write again soon and put pic's up. Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers-we love you