Saturday, March 22, 2008

Armstrong Redwood National Forest

Josh and I went hiking around here today. It was so beautiful! Just amazing to see how old some of these trees are, were talking pre-Columbus sailing the ocean blue! Some of the trees were Kebler elf living like!


greenezo said...

hey looks like a good time. did the elves offer any cookies?

Carol Soules said...

Awesome! I want to cmamp out in the big one that Carrie was standing inside of! I like the purdy flowers too! We missed you on Easter Sunday but great to see you were haivng yourselves some fun!

Chris TerryNelson said...

I can't remember if they filmed the forest scenes in Return of the Jedi at this Redwood Forest or not, but you're pretty dang close! :-) Miss you guys. Thanks for the "prezzie" btw. ;-)