Tuesday, March 18, 2008

fish on the doorstep

Will the person who left a fish swimming in a bag on my doorstep, please say "I"?

I know this guy crawled up my window, but the fish did not hop over to my place!

I grew this one! It's my jade plant!


Carol Soules said...

I like that Jade!
So a fish mysteriously appeared on your doorstop? Maybe you guys have been designated as the new complex pet rescue center? "We are moving and need a home for our_____. That new couple looks like they need a new ______."

Next it will be........ what??

Josh & Carrie said...

I hope that is what it is!! We've had some weird things happening here! I think we are going to call him "castaway"

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness! How weird! I like the name castaway...goooood. What other weird things have happened??

I am sick....blah. Been home 3 out of the last 4 days of school. Trip to NJ in the middle which is probably why it came back. Ugggg...

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness! How weird! I like the name castaway...goooood. What other weird things have happened??

I am sick....blah. Been home 3 out of the last 4 days of school. Trip to NJ in the middle which is probably why it came back. Ugggg...